Very popular with fire departments and emergency services agencies, the Kelly shift pattern uses three teams (i.e. platoons) and three shifts to provide 24/7 coverage. It consists of a 9-day cycle where each team works one 24-hour shift, followed by 24 hours off duty, works another 24-hour shift, followed by 24 hours off duty, then works a final 24-hour shift, followed by 4 consecutive days off duty.

Personnel work an average of 56 hours per week or 112 hours per two-week pay period, and work the same day of the week for 3 weeks in a row and then have that day off for 9 weeks in a row.

Kelly Shift Schedule
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Plan ID C3TF24-2
Name Kelly Shift Schedule
Applicability 24/7 operations
Teams Required 3
Shifts A (24-hr), B (24-hr), C (24-hr),
Repeat Cycle 9 days
Rotation Fixed plan, no rotation
Average Hours per Week 56
Staffing Fluctuation Balanced from shift to shift and day to day
  • 40 four-consecutive days off duty per year
  • Personnel never work an entire weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Long shift
  • Personnel work a given day for 3 consecutive weeks then not work the day for 6 consecutive weeks
Common Usage Popular with fire departments and emergency services agencies.
Notes – This plan is very similar to the 3 Team Fixed 24 Plan (C3TF24-1). Instead of using a single 24-hour shift, this plan uses the 3 shift system (A, B, C rotation) that is widely recognized by fire departments and emergency services agencies in the United States.

– The US Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) compensation cycles are 28 days over which firefighters normally works either 216 hours or 240 hours. Hours worked beyond a base of 212 hours in a 28-day period are considered overtime.

-This plan requires living quarters for the employees to work and sleep during each 24-hr shift.

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