This shift schedule supports a combination of 14-hr day shift , 15.5-hr cross-cover shift , and a 14-hr night shift for medical interns. The day shift and the cross-cover shift have the same start time (7:00AM). The night shift starts at around 10:00PM and ends at 12:00PM on the next day. This combination allows a day intern and night intern to be present at the same time in the morning rounds so they can discuss with the attending physicians the treatments for patients in the next 24-hr period. This plan requires 4 teams with each team rotating through the following shift sequence over a 4 day period: 1 day shift, 1 cross-cover shift, 1 night shift, one day off. The day off is actually a recovery day since the night shift does not end until 12:00PM.

Medical Interns Shift Pattern
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Plan ID C4TR1415-1
Name ICU Interns Plan
Applicability 24/7 operations
Teams Required 4
Shifts Day (14-hr), Cross-cover (15.5-hr), Night (14-hr)
Repeat Cycle 4 days
Rotation Fast rotation from day shift to cross-cover shift to night shift
Average Hours per Week 76.5
Staffing Fluctuation Balanced from day to day
  • Only 1 night shift every 4 days
  • Too many work hours per week
Common Usage Scheduling medical interns at hospitals in the United States
Notes This plan is based on the “14-Hr Shift Schedule for Medical ICU Interns” model developed by Akhil Vallabhaneni, MD, et al. and published in the December 2006 issue of the Chest journal, an official publication of the American College of Chest Physicians.


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