With Snap Schedule employee scheduling software, you can schedule your entire staff automatically, with just a few clicks.
Simply launch Snap Schedule, and click on “Create Schedule.” You could use our wizard to create your first schedule from scratch. But I’ll create my schedule automatically, using a pre-designed plan.
Master Your Shift Scheduling
Snap Schedule 365 Automates It All!
Discover the power of automatic shift callouts, open shift notifications, time off & overtime management.
Click the Download button, and you can choose from over 30 shift patterns. Let’s say your office is open 24/7, and you have four teams of employees working eight-hour, rotating shifts. There are several plans that might fit your needs. Click on each one to read a brief summary; click the link at the bottom for more details. Then, double-click on the plan you want.
Teams can be any size, but they must all be the same size. Enter the Positions you need to fill within each team: for instance, Supervisors, Sales Associates, and Support Technicians. Give each position a unique name. And specify how many people you have at each position on a team.
Click Next, for a color-coded sample of your shift patterns. In this case, Team 1 has 6 days on the green day shift, 2 days off, 6 days on the blue swing shift, 2 days off, 6 days on the yellow night shift, 2 days off, and then the cycle repeats. Review your plan, and click Next.
By default, your new schedule will begin next Monday. But you can open the dropdown and choose any start date you’d like. Our plan repeats every 24 days. Choose how many times you’d like to repeat it, and the end date and total length of your new schedule are updated automatically.
Click Next, and review your selections. You can go Back and make any changes, or just click Finish.
Choose a folder on your hard drive, and enter a filename for your schedule, and click Save.
Snap Schedule automatically creates and loads your new schedule. These color-coded icons make it easy to spot the leader, and members, of each team. You can also click on each employee, and fill in their name; just click OK to save.
You can click on Shift view, and verify that your shifts are all covered. Here, we have Team One on day shift, Team Two on swing shift, Team Four on night shift, and Team Three has the day off.
You can also click on Calendar view and see an employee’s complete work schedule for the coming month.
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