Snap Schedule Premium Version History
Current Version: Snap Schedule Premium 2017 Version
Previous Versions |
Snap Schedule Premium 2017 | |
Snap Schedule Premium 2013 | |
Snap Schedule Premium 2011 | |
Snap Schedule Premium 2010 |    |
Version published on 11/02/2021
Summary of new features and enhancements
- N/A. This is a bug fix release.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that may prevent employee pictures from being loaded properly.
Previous Versions
Version published on 6/25/2021
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Updated Snap Schedule Premium’s underlying software component plink.exe to the latest version (V0.75)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that may cause employee's home locations not to be imported from an Excel file the first time through.
Version published on 5/20/2020
Summary of new features and enhancements
- This release is made to update Snap Schedule Premium’s underlying software components and there is no functional change. Snap Schedule Premium now uses plink.exe V0.73, Google GData Client Libraries V2.2.0.0, SQL CE 4.0 SP1, Janus Controls V4.0.51.0, Perpetuum SharpShooter Reports V7.3.1, and PDFSharp .NET library V1.32.2608.
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 3/21/2020
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added additional controls to let only authorized users to delete all employee’s shift assignments when auto-generate schedules. On the Auto Schedule – Generate Schedule wizard steps, changed the option “Delete all existing shift assignments for this period” into two check box options: 1) The “Delete existing shift assignments for affected employees within this period” checkbox is checked by default to generate and delete schedules of those employees on the selected plan; and 2) The “Delete existing shift assignments for all employees within this period” checkbox is unchecked by default and only users with the appropriate privilege can select this option. A new role privilege is also added to control who are authorized to delete all existing shift assignments when auto-generating a new schedule.
- Added the ability to set active/inactive status for shift categories, employee skills, time off reasons, shift assignment reasons, task categories, teams, and positions.
- Added the capability to import from an Excel file, employee authorized locations and home location, and all 25 employee custom fields. The Excel Employee Import template is also updated to include those fields.
- Added the capability to import from an Excel file employee’s skill, skill possession status and expiration date.
- Changed the default state of authorized employees to unchecked when adding a new shift location instead of checked to avoid authorizing employees to work at locations where they are not qualified.
- Changed the default state of authorized locations to unchecked when adding a new employee instead of checked to avoid authorizing employees to work at locations where they are not qualified.
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 6/19/2019
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None. This is a bug fix release.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that may cause partial day shift premium to be incorrectly calculated under certain conditions.
Version published on 10/18/2018
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added an option to specify the number of days from the current date to lock the employee schedules. The software will warn users when they want to change any of the following types of schedule data if the scheduled date is older than the specified lock date:
- Shift assignment records
- Task assignment records
- Punch records
- Time off schedule records
- Time off request records
- Open Shift records
- Shift trade records
- To do records
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 06/27/2017
Summary of new features and enhancements
- This version is the initial release of Snap Schedule Premiumn 2017. Click here to see a list of new features and enhancements in Snap Schedule Premium 2017.
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 09/20/2013
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added support for using database in the cloud with the Snap Data Service.
- Updated the Getting Started Screen to include:
- Changed the form layout and updated icons.
- Added options to use SQL Server or the Snap Data Service.
- Added an option in the Manage Database tab when "Use SQL Server" is selected to create a new SQL Server database based on data from the Snap Data Service.
- Added an option in the Manage Database tab when "Use Snap Data Service" is selected to create a new Snap Data Service database from a Snap Schedule data file.
- Added an option in the Manage Database tab when "Use Snap Data Service" is selected to delete an existing Snap Data Service database.
- Copy Shift Assignment: Limit the maximum number of days in the Copy/Paste function to 1000 days.
- Generate Schedules: Limit the maximum number of days in the Auto Generate function to 1000 days.
- Replaced the Backup Data command under the File menu with the Manage Database command.
- Added a new command, "Export Data", to the File menu to export data from Snap Schedule Premium to a Snap Schedule data file.
- While in Daily or Calendar view, display a Notes indicator (a small black triangle at the lower right corner) for time off assignments that have notes.
- Added a permission to application roles to allow/disallow access to the Copy/Paste Assignments screen.
- Streamlined the installer with fewer steps and a new look.
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug in BulkSave persistence methods that didn't work correctly on upgraded databases.
- Fixed bug in planned and recorded Employee Weekly Time Sheet, Employee Bi-Weekly Time Sheet, and Employee Period Time Sheet reports that can cause an error message to be displayed when filter criteria are applied.
- Fixed bug in planned and recorded Employee Weekly Time Sheet, Employee Bi-Weekly Time Sheet, and Employee Period Time Sheet reports that can cause the shift code to be displayed incorrectly if it is specified in the format of "mm-dd" where mm is a number between 1 to 12 and dd is a number between 1 to 31.
Version published on 05/09/2013
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that causes at least one shift to be displayed in the Daily View (by Shift) regardless of the display filter criteria.
Version published on 04/30/2013
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added an option in the Configure Schedule Details form to display Task Notes.
- Added an option in the Configure Schedule Details form to display non-applicable shift/day combinations while in the Shift View.
- Added options in the Employee Remote Access form to allow employees to update their contact information and availability remotely.
- Added the capability to export a report to a disk file in CSV format.
- Improved the "last tab selected" logic for the shift/time-off/employee/position/task panel on the right-hand side of schedule views.
- Made speed improvements when displaying very large data for most grids (Daily, Shift, Calendar, etc.).
- Improved the Sample Database Generation process to speed up the sample database creation.
- Added logic to limit the length of text that can be displayed for a calendar day so that report generation can complete for very large amount of data. The limit is adjustable via a report parameter. This speed improvement affects the Monthly Assignment and Timeoff Calendar report and the Weekly Assignment and Time Off Calendar report.
- Upgraded the report engine components to fix a bug that caused bookmarks/hyperlinks in reports to be incorrect when exporting to a RTF file.
- Added an option to the Modify Report Header/Footer form to enable/disable the display of the date range/as of date on the report.
- Changed default data refresh timer from 5 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Re-sized some forms to fit on 1024x768 screen when the size of text in Windows settings is set to Medium.
- Streamlined the installer to download Microsoft .Net and SQL Server Express on-demand. The installer will check for Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 or higher and when none is present, it will download from the Internet and install Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 before proceeding with the installation. When the Full installation is selected and Microsoft SQL Server is not found, the installer will download and install SQL Server Express 2012 on Windows 7 SP1/Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 systems, or SQL Server Express 2005 SP4 on Window 7/Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista systems, or SQL Server Express 2005 on Windows XP SP1 systems.
Bug fixes
- Modified the Weekly Assignment Calendar by Location and Monthly Assignment Calendar by Location reports to fix a bug that caused an error message to be displayed when the report has no data.
- Fixed a bug in the Shift Coverage by Position report that caused the position description to overrun the list of employees if the position description is too long.
- Fixed a bug in SDK report extension classes that crashed on null if an employee was not assigned a home location.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Task Assignment Notes not copied to new assignments when doing a copy/paste operation or drag-and-drop task assignment.
- Fixed a bug that may cause a crash in the print preview screen.
Version published on 08/27/2012
Summary of new features and enhancements
- This is the initial release of Snap Schedule Premium 2013. Click here to see a list of new features and enhancements in this edition of Snap Schedule Premium 2013.
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 05/29/2012
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added support for SQL 2012 database and the latest update of SQL Azure
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 11/04/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added explicit sorting (by location description) to the location drop-down list in the Display Filter. The list was not sorted in previous versions.
- Added logic to the Select Employee To Fill a Shift wizard to exclude employees who do not meet the minimum rest time between consecutive shift assignments.
- Added logic to save the Schedule Wizard checkbox states for each user upon exiting the program.
- Added logic to skip displaying the plug-in verification screen if the plug-in is published and signed by Snap Schedule developer, Business Management Systems.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in Edit Schedule Plans that may cause a crash when a shift in the schedule plan has a location without any authorized employees.
- Changed the sort order of shift assignments within a cell on the Daily View to sort by shift assignment start time instead of shift start time. Note: Unless manually adjusted, the shift assignment start time is the same as the shift start time.
Version published on 07/12/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that, while in the Shift view, did not update the employee position description and icon color in the assignment pane when a change is made to an employee position record.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Notes field in text-based email templates to be truncated to 41 characters. Changed the truncation to 2048 characters on the NORMAL and SHORT templates and 41 characters on the MINI and MICRO templates.
- Fixed a bug in the Software Development Kit (SDK) that did not read or save EmployeeTasks data when reading or saving an employee record.
Version published on 06/28/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Updated the Daily Assignment Validation report to allow for displaying multiple validation errors in an employee shift assignment.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in the overtime limit validation check where a "period overtime limit exceeded" error may be reported as a "daily overtime limit exceeded" error.
- Fix a bug in the Assignments for Employee form where changing the assignment reason for one shift assignment may affect the assignment reasons for other shift assignments.
Version published on 06/13/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added the following new e-mail template placeholders: SCHEDULE_TASKS, SCHEDULE_NOTES, SCHEDULE_NOTES_TASKS to the SHORT, MINI, and MICRO templates. Fixed up e-mail templates to ensure proper alignment and spanning.
- Modified email template [MICRO_SCHEDULE] to add "Shift Code" column and remove "End Time" column.
- Added Custom fields tab to Location property page and the option to display custom fields in the Location list.
- Updated the Shift Assignments by Employee report to also display shift assignment notes
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that can sometimes cause the computed daily overtime hours for an employee to be off when maximum consecutive work days constraints are specified.
- Fixed the problem with iCal attachments received on iPhone (iPhone requires LF characters in first two lines).
- Fixed a bug in Import/Export of Schedule Details View causing all controls to show "None" (only occurred if importing a "blank" import file generated from exporting the standard configuration).
Version published on 05/19/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- This is the initial release of Snap Schedule Premium 2011. Click here to see a list of new features and enhancements in Snap Schedule Premium 2011.
Bug fixes
- None.
Version published on 1/21/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- Added support in the Software Development Kit (SDK) for accessing AppUser and AppUserRole.
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug in Employee Selection screen that incorrectly displayed employee's hourly rate even if the current user is not allowed to view it. With the new software fix, the hourly rate is displayed as $0.00 when the user does not have permissions to view the data.
Version published on 1/10/2011
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that displayed Deletion Error message box unexpectedly and without cause. Also added logic to ensure that SQL error message boxes would not block other transactions.
Version published on 11/02/2010
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that may limit database access by application users with read-only permissions.
Version published on 10/20/2010
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in the employee data management code that, under certain conditions, caused duplicate records to be created in employee location, skill, assignment reason, and availability schedule data tables.
- Fixed a bug that may cause the application to stop if the "Do not show this screen at startup" checkbox on the startup screen is checked.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the splash screen from being hidden during the application login process when the database connection string was passed on the command line.
Version published on 10/06/2010
Summary of new features and enhancements
- In this software version, the database structure has been upgraded to accommodate new changes and enhancements. When opening a database created by a previous version of Snap Schedule Premium, you will be asked to upgrade the database before it can be used. Backup your database prior to attempting the database upgrade as this process is irreversible. The database upgrade process is done seamlessly and should take only a moment to complete.
- Added a new access control feature with application user login/logout functionality. Within each scheduling database, roles are created for various job functions. The permissions to perform certain operations within Snap Schedule Premium are assigned to specific roles. Application users (people who will use Snap Schedule Premium and access its information) are assigned particular roles, and through those role associations, acquire the permissions to view, edit, and/or perform particular commands and system functions.
- Added a command line switch (/databasetools=off) to invoke Snap Schedule Premium to run with database management commands disabled. When installing Snap Schedule Premium, there is a checkbox option to create program shortcuts with the switch to disable database management commands.
- Added a new capability to the Copy Shift Assignments command to allow for disparate ‘“copy from” and “paste to” time periods. paste to” time periods. 
- Added a new option to the Monthly Assignment Calendar report and the Employee Monthly Calendar report to hide assignments for days that are outside of the specified date range. When this option is selected, days on the calendar that fall outside the specified date range will be grayed out with no assignments displayed.
- Added a new option to the Shift Assignments by Employee report to insert a page break to separate each employee’s assignments.
- Added a new sorting criteria to the Employee Monthly Calendar and Employee Weekly Calendar reports to enable sorting of the displayed shifts by Shift Start Time.
- Removed the Active column in the To Do List report and changed the default filter criteria to display only to do items whose status is open.
- Improved start up time by retrieving built-in report templates from embedded resources.
- Added a new feature to automatically check our website for newer versions of Snap Schedule Premium and open up a web page to enable downloading. This check can also be performed on demand, using the Check for Updates command under the Application menu.
- Added safeguards and retain configuration settings when upgrading Snap Schedule Premium to a newer version.
Bug fixes
- Upgraded third-party controls to prevent Snap Schedule from slowing down when the HKCU\Control Panel\International\sThousand registry key is inadvertently set to empty.
- Added handlers to catch and avoid the “object not found” error on certain computers when invoking WMI calls.
- Replaced the WinForm control checkbox in the Employee Time Off Details report with a Rich Text box to prevent possible memory leak.
- Fixed a bug with the report viewer that causes an error when the user selects the Single Page display mode then closes the report.
- Fixed business information and employee pay discrepancies in the Software Development Kit (SDK). Added advanced queries to the SDK to speed up data access to web-hosted SQL Server databases and database services like Microsoft SQL Azure.
Version published on 06/10/2010
Summary of new features and enhancements
- None.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that may cause the Daily View - By Employee planner to incorrectly display an empty schedule when filtering employees by home location.
Version published on 03/26/2010
- None. This is the initial release of Snap Schedule Premium 2010
Bug fixes
- None.